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Friday, March 14, 2014

Barbie picture stories

I have decided to start making picture stories and diy videos for this blog. I always give credit to how I learned to do crafts so if you see anything similar do not be surprised.  

Miko steps her game up

I found Miko down on her luck in a thrift store in Atlanta. Cost $2.  Back in Augusta, Miko got a job at Bobbies fashions and enrolled in school. Miko looks pretty good for her age, she hopes to reconnect with her friends Midge, Barbie and Christie

Who wore it better

* I bought the Models dresses off ebay for $4 total. And the SIS ladies dresses off ebay for about $6 total. As of yet, I havent been able to get the blue SIS dress for a reasonable price. (Sorry Trichelle and Crystal)*

Chandras getting married

Chandra just graduated from college and is getting married to Mike later this summer. Today shes at the bridal salon trying to find the perfect dress but feels everyone else looks better than her. Ashley and Bobbie, her two younger sisters and bridemaids, have the nerve to show up wearing the same dresses that her sorority sisters wore to their ball. Imma have to check them later on cus if i say something right now i may embarrass their wanna be butts. Chandra thought. 

Well this is awkward. Trichelle thought. Chandra should have told me that Ashley and Bobbie are her sisters and Crystal is her cousin. I cant believe I have to sit beneath her in this group pic. I really hope she doesnt pick that dress. We need to have a SIS meeting!!

Mode muses cont to try to join SIS

Trichelle narrowed the potential members down to Bobbie, Ashley and Crystal. Trichelle is flattered that two of the ladies dressed like SIS ladies, however shes is also annoyed that they failed to include Crystal. Also she noticed how uptight and snobbish they are. How can I get these girls to loosen up?  Trichelle thought. Trichelle desides to talk it over at her SIS sister's wedding dress appt.  

** I made the sofa set from a myfroggystuff youtube video. I didnt use a sponge for the cushin, instead i made a pillow and stuffed it with a plastic bag and sewed it shut. **