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Monday, June 2, 2014

Gma Barbie

Introducing....Grandma Barbie!!

Ratchet Barbie.

Today I was playing around and decided to make some ratchet barbies. Do u know why she is ratchet?
✅ gold teeth
✅ multi colored weave
✅ tattos
✅ sneakers wit her dress
✅ cheap fashion

Friday, March 14, 2014

Barbie picture stories

I have decided to start making picture stories and diy videos for this blog. I always give credit to how I learned to do crafts so if you see anything similar do not be surprised.  

Miko steps her game up

I found Miko down on her luck in a thrift store in Atlanta. Cost $2.  Back in Augusta, Miko got a job at Bobbies fashions and enrolled in school. Miko looks pretty good for her age, she hopes to reconnect with her friends Midge, Barbie and Christie

Who wore it better

* I bought the Models dresses off ebay for $4 total. And the SIS ladies dresses off ebay for about $6 total. As of yet, I havent been able to get the blue SIS dress for a reasonable price. (Sorry Trichelle and Crystal)*

Chandras getting married

Chandra just graduated from college and is getting married to Mike later this summer. Today shes at the bridal salon trying to find the perfect dress but feels everyone else looks better than her. Ashley and Bobbie, her two younger sisters and bridemaids, have the nerve to show up wearing the same dresses that her sorority sisters wore to their ball. Imma have to check them later on cus if i say something right now i may embarrass their wanna be butts. Chandra thought. 

Well this is awkward. Trichelle thought. Chandra should have told me that Ashley and Bobbie are her sisters and Crystal is her cousin. I cant believe I have to sit beneath her in this group pic. I really hope she doesnt pick that dress. We need to have a SIS meeting!!

Mode muses cont to try to join SIS

Trichelle narrowed the potential members down to Bobbie, Ashley and Crystal. Trichelle is flattered that two of the ladies dressed like SIS ladies, however shes is also annoyed that they failed to include Crystal. Also she noticed how uptight and snobbish they are. How can I get these girls to loosen up?  Trichelle thought. Trichelle desides to talk it over at her SIS sister's wedding dress appt.  

** I made the sofa set from a myfroggystuff youtube video. I didnt use a sponge for the cushin, instead i made a pillow and stuffed it with a plastic bag and sewed it shut. **

Thursday, February 27, 2014

So in Style Barbies

Today I felt creative and made a So In Style Sorority rm box with various model muse barbies interested in membership.  In my opinion SIS barbs are just as impressive and have better fashion than model muse barbs. Most items in the pic are old diys but i did make the SIS barbs clothing. I wanted the room to look soroity-ish. More details below. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Thrift store kitchen and bathroom. Cost $2.00

The SIS ladies invite potential member Nikki to their cabin for a weekend getaway. Over lunch they find out Nikki works as a stylist at the best salon in town. I wonder if she can hook me up while shes here. Marisa whispers to Kara.  Meanwhile Grace isnt really feeling Nikki and her inappropiate dress. Where is Trichelle?? Grace thought. 

This chick better not drop my baby. Chandra thought. I wonder what mike is doing. 
Spa day!!

Chandra relaxes in the tub. 
Girl time is so overdue. Lets not wait so long again. Chandra told the girls.  

I found this lil Barbie item at my neighborhood Goodwill. Ive found some other stuff and Ill share later. 

I made a few items on the post.

In the kitchen. 
* Table and chairs
* rug

In the bathroom 
I used a shower soap holder as the tub. 
I made: the dresser, lamp, purse, magazines, pic frame, vase, and window.

The hardest thing i made was the diy kitchen table and chairs out of popsicle sticks, wood glue, cardboard and duct tape.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Where can I get these clothes?

I love the clothes on these girls! They are natural and proud!!

Pretti Girls

    I am so glad Mattell has some competiton from One World Dolls and I hope to see these dolls on the shelf soon. Currently the three above are available online for a decent price. I have purchaed one because I do not have the money at this time. 
I wish this line the best of luck!

Oh Kenya!!

So by now everyone knows Kenya is back! I have not purchased Kenya however I did buy  chocolate cutie Tj. 
Kenya looks bad upclose and I decided she wouldnt look good next to Barbie. Kenyas clothing are nice and I wish I could find her fashions sold seperately (i guess ill have to stalk eBay for awhile). I will buy Kenya if she comes as low as $5. 

Stop hate with Barbies

I plan on depicting my Barbs in diverse relationships including interracial, 
Heterosexual and homosexual. Our world is changing and kids are far more
Tolerant than adults so why not use toys to demonstrate. I am obviously an
Adult collector so please keep that in mind while using this blog for projects. 

Barbie's man has come a long way!

I'm really glad Ken has a new friend named Ryan. However I would like 
To see Steven added to the Fashionista line because he has been ignored
For far too long and I am ecstatic to see the guys wearing clothing besides 
Swim trunks!  The guy above in the mid pic is Tj from the Kenya doll
Line. I found him at Walmart for about $11 on clearance.
Ryan, was at ToysRus for $8.
New clothing packs for Ken are overpriced so I recommend 
Ebay where they are sold for as low as .50-$1.00. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Epic Failed at making a diy dress

This dress is horrible and an epic fail
At my first attempt at using patterns. My advice is to use diy videos youtube.

My favorites are:

Ps. The hello kitty dress turned out pretty well. 

Coach Barbie or City Shopper?

Barbies shopping

    To create this scene make sure all
    Barbs are doing something intresting
    And it appears like a real store. Try to
    Make as much as you can from diy 
    Youtube videos. 

    Ladies creating Barb life scenes are all
    In the details & angles of your camera. 


Natural girls united!!

Just want to quickly say how much I love this website.  All Barbies have custom natural hair styles. Dolls are for sale and new looks are available often. Custom dolls are available too. 

Most wanted Barbs

These are my most wanted Barbs. Lena the final doll is actually a Prettie
Girls doll but made by the creater of the So In Style Barbies. I try to add
Diversity to my dolls as often as possible with different skin tones, hair 
Texture and facial features. Most of these dolls are model muse Barbies 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Diy. Barbie beds.

I made these beds outta cracker boxes with the aid of a froggy stuff video. It was very easy and cuter than using a kleenex box as a box spring.  Word of advice: make sure the bed is long enough for your Barb. 

Bedding can be as simple as a piece of fabric or your clothing but the key is making it look fashionable.  

Do you see old Ken aka Nick? Ken is such a wack name!

Barbie frustration

Im venting.  So i read on Yahoo that stock in Mattel has fallen and Barbie isnt selling as well as it once did due to technology. I ponder why everytime I look for new So in Style barbies they are sold out. New Barbies are sold out. Or why didnt Mattel release an Af. American version of the Style Barbie?  I saw Barbie twice and theresa and possibly midge but no Nikki or Christie. Wtf. Mattel is hating on Black Barbie again. Obviously Af. American Barbies sell well so make those and carry it to the bank.  So idk if Barbs are undersold or understocked but Id like to continue to see diversity on the shelves and more dark skinned Barbies like model muse. Where did she go!? She gorgeous and can kill with her flawless makeup. Epic fail on Mattels part by discontinuing her! 

No sew sofa

This sofa/loveseat was simple. I took floral foam and cut the shape out, covered with fabric and secured with pins. No sewing needed. 

DIY Rooms

I like to sew so I made these rooms from fabric scraps. I find making rooms to be fun so get used to seeing a lot of them

Diy designer bag


I made the purse in the second pic and added a trinket from my juicy couture perfume bottle as a charm. I saw a really cute tutorial on my froggy stuff on youtube but the pic above illustrates another way to make a bag. 

How I made my bag

Materials: duct tape, scissors, pipe cleaner, and a charm. 

Tape two pieces of duct tape together with sticky sides together  and fold in thirds.
Unfold and refold bottle to middle and tape the two loose sides to make a pocket. 
This is the bottom of the bag. Round edges if you want to. Next fold the top down and add 
Charm to give a designer look. I'd put mine in the middle or the side. I also taped my bag shut.
Finally punture two small holes in the back of the bag to add the handles (pipe cleaner). 

Ken and Barbie snuggle up!

Baby its cold outside. Ken (he needs some clothes bad!!) and Barbie are cuddling on the sofa in their cabin. I made most of it or found it at the Dollar Store. Let me know if you have questions!

Have you seen her?

Totally hair Barbie  is the reason I started collecting Barbs again however I don't have her because she is expensive and way above my paygrade.  So I'm hoping to catch her on eBay or at a thrift store for cheaper. Let me know if you find her. I remember I got her for Christmas when I was 8 and she came with a pink convertible. In my family we open one gift on Christmas Eve so I opened her and her convertible .... Then I got my ass whopped for opening more than one present but she was worth it!

Model Muse Barbs

    Can you tell which Barbs are model
    Muse and which arent? 

These Barbs are so stinky cute. I love their skin tones, hair and makeup!  I made their lil dresses. I bought these Barbs without their original clothing. 
These Barbs are slimmer, have smaller chests, and fit most barbie clothing.  I do wish they were more flexible.  In comparison to Black Barbie or Christie, they have more African American features.