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Monday, February 10, 2014

Diy designer bag


I made the purse in the second pic and added a trinket from my juicy couture perfume bottle as a charm. I saw a really cute tutorial on my froggy stuff on youtube but the pic above illustrates another way to make a bag. 

How I made my bag

Materials: duct tape, scissors, pipe cleaner, and a charm. 

Tape two pieces of duct tape together with sticky sides together  and fold in thirds.
Unfold and refold bottle to middle and tape the two loose sides to make a pocket. 
This is the bottom of the bag. Round edges if you want to. Next fold the top down and add 
Charm to give a designer look. I'd put mine in the middle or the side. I also taped my bag shut.
Finally punture two small holes in the back of the bag to add the handles (pipe cleaner). 

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