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Monday, February 10, 2014

Barbie frustration

Im venting.  So i read on Yahoo that stock in Mattel has fallen and Barbie isnt selling as well as it once did due to technology. I ponder why everytime I look for new So in Style barbies they are sold out. New Barbies are sold out. Or why didnt Mattel release an Af. American version of the Style Barbie?  I saw Barbie twice and theresa and possibly midge but no Nikki or Christie. Wtf. Mattel is hating on Black Barbie again. Obviously Af. American Barbies sell well so make those and carry it to the bank.  So idk if Barbs are undersold or understocked but Id like to continue to see diversity on the shelves and more dark skinned Barbies like model muse. Where did she go!? She gorgeous and can kill with her flawless makeup. Epic fail on Mattels part by discontinuing her! 

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